Windsor Christian Academy
Lifelong Learners
Windsor Christian Academy’s mission is “to be a Christ-centered school, classical in model...committed to teaching each student to become a lifelong learner.”
But what exactly does a lifelong learner look like?
Skills: Part of being equipped as a lifelong learner involves mastering a skill set. Rather than just memorizing facts to pass each class - facts that may or may not remain in their memories for years to come - students need to know where they can find information, how to determine what information is trustworthy, and how to draw correct conclusions from what the information they encounter. These skills are developed throughout their years at school and are particularly honed as older students develop the ability to analyze and write essays.
Connections: Though it is one thing to master a particular subject, well-equipped lifelong learners will learn to make connections among subjects, a vital skill for critical thinking in all areas. This is one strength of Windsor’s integrated curriculum; through approaches like science in literature, subjects are united as often as possible to allow for a full view of the connectedness of all truth.
Logic: Students master logic, learning how to develop and argue a point and to recognize when others are failing to do so. This allows them to grow into discerning adults, not easily fooled by rhetorical trickery. This is closely connected to our writing curriculum, which, starting in second grade, teaches students to look for key words and ideas and see the progression of an idea from sentence to sentence and from paragraph to paragraph.
A love of learning: We hope to instill in students a wonder and excitement about learning that will follow them into adulthood. This is at the heart of a Christian education: wonder at the Creator of all things is inexhaustible, so beginning with a love of the Creator kindles a love for learning about all he has made.
Humility: We hope that our students will leave Windsor confident and well-equipped for the next step, but a key element of that is to realize that there is always more to learn.
Truth: We live in a world that, with Pontius Pilate, asks “What is truth?” A recognition that truth is objective and all truth is God’s truth means that learning - through all of life - is a worthy pursuit!